Who We Are

Chicago Dairy Corporation is a privately held company who has been involved in direct marketing of high quality dairy ingredients for more than 20 years.


We believe that strong relationships and ethical business practices, especially in an industry as volatile as ours, is essential for success and profitability. We work closely with both our suppliers and customers in order to hedge this risk and ensure stability and low pricing, no matter what market conditions may look like.

Our Vision

What We Can Do For You

Dairy commodity prices have fluctuated by up to 25-35% within a calendar year. Chicago Dairy can assist your organization through this volatility by offering contracting for monthly, quarterly and even a yearly basis. This can be achieved using formula or fixed pricing. Additionally, we offer timely spot load pricing to ensure a quick and timely procurement process.

© Chicago Dairy Corporation 

How We Do Things

At Chicago Dairy, we take pride in our unwavering customer satisfaction. We have supply contracts with numerous co-ops and dairy processing plants spread throughout the U.S. We can offer you direct to your facility delivered pricing and are proud that over 90% of our business is earned by 'best price'. We arrange our own freight and unlike a broker arrangement, Chicago Dairy takes physical title to all the products we market.